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New Program Admin Dashboard
New Program Admin Dashboard

This release is about streamlining the admin experience, organizing data more efficiently, reducing clicks, and making it easier to consume important information

Updated over 3 months ago


We are thrilled to announce the release of the revamped Admin Dashboard on your Home page. This release is all about streamlining the admin experience, organizing data more efficiently, reducing clicks, and making it easier than ever to consume important information with visually appealing graphs.

Key Enhancements:

  1. Streamlined User Interface (UI): We've redesigned the Admin Dashboard with a modern, clean, and intuitive user interface. Navigation is now more straightforward, allowing administrators to access key functionalities with ease.

  2. Intuitive Data Organization: We've reorganized the dashboard to present data in a more logical and intuitive manner. Whether you're tracking enrollment, mentor-mentee matches, or active campaigns/announcements, finding what you need is now very easy.

  3. Reduced Clicks, Enhanced Efficiency: We understand that every click counts. That's why we've optimized workflows to minimize unnecessary clicks and streamline common tasks. From user management to program configuration, you'll spend less time navigating and more time getting things done.

  4. Visualized Graphs for Data Insights: Numbers tell a story, but graphs bring it to life. With our new visualized graphs, you can now easily consume complex data at a glance. From program participation trends to user matching metrics, our dynamic graphs provide actionable insights that drive informed decision-making.

Why it matters: You don't have a lot of time, so whatever time you spend overseeing your program should not be spent digging for data. Our new dashboard serves up the metrics you need at a glance so that you can make important next-step decisions. It also provides short cuts to features so that you can easily take suggested actions to increase your enrollment and matching rates. Our job is to enable you to do what you do best - program strategy, and not spend time trying to find the data you need to do that!

Get ready to make a difference!

Enrollment Page

Your dashboard Enrollment page is an easy and efficient way to track the progress of your program enrollment with useful metrics that enable you to quickly analyze and decide where to set your focus to support your program.

The Enrollment page consists of 3 expandable and collapsible sections:

  1. How is enrollment in your program?

  2. How did users enroll in your program?

  3. What are the users' profile statuses?

Clicking on any of the user numbers on the page will provide a detailed user view of the users that fall into that metric.

Tip: Some metrics include informational hovers providing descriptions and in some cases, links to more information!

Hovering with your mouse of the 'i' will show the text. Clicking on the 'i' will keep the text box open on screen.

How is enrollment in your program?

Click to expand section

The first tile shown below provides 3 sections of program enrollment metrics:

1. Total users: This number includes currently published and unpublished users.

  • Published users have at least the mandatory fields on the profile completed, whether through a user import, or completed by the user themselves. Published users have an 'Active' status in the program and are eligible to be matched.

  • Unpublished users have mandatory profile fields that have not been completed. They have an 'Unpublished' status in the program and are not eligible to be matched.

2. Total published (active) users: This number includes only published users as described above.

3. Profile published rate: Percentage of signed-up users with published profiles.

This metric includes users with published profiles who completed sign-up themselves. It does not include users with published profiles whose mandatory profile fields were imported by an admin. In essence, these are your users who are proactively following through with the necessary steps for program participation.

At the bottom of this tile are two buttons that link to additional metrics:

1. Review gap analysis and recruitment recommendations: This button provides quick access to the Match Report.

The Match Report breaks down comparison data on what mentees are looking for in a mentor based on their profile field selections (e.g., areas for development), and where their might be gaps in your mentor population to meet those needs. It also provides recommendations to improve your match rate, such as recruiting mentors that meet specific mentee preferences.

2. More Insights: This button provides a shortcut to the Memberships Outcome Report. This report provides a detailed breakdown of the total number of users, mentors and mentees, including those that are new and have been deactivated. This report also provides a Membership Trends graph and a Users Total chart.

Read more about the Match Report and Membership Outcomes Report here:

How did users enroll in your program?

Click to expand section

This section has 2 tiles of enrollment metrics:

  • Membership Applications Statuses - Pending, Accepted, Rejected

  • Invitations Pending Acceptance: Pending, Accepted, Expired

Admin Actions:

  • Clicking on the 'Program start to date' dropdown on the upper right will enable you to set a specific timeframe for viewing date.

  • Clicking on the 3-dot menu will enable you to:

    • Preview Membership Form

    • Download PNG file

    • Download CSV file

  • Clicking on each status will open a page where you can view details by status:

For more information on membership applications:

Membership Applications Tile - More Insights

Clicking on 'More Insights' button on the lower left will open the membership graph showing membership application submission trends over time. Here you can:

  • Track application activity; view spikes in submitted applications and understand what communications or recruitment efforts have impacted your numbers.

  • Click on each role at the bottom of the tile to view requests by role.

Invitations Tile

This 3-dot menu on this tile provides shortcuts to:

  • Send Invites: Send more program invites or send new invites to users whose invites have expired!

  • Invitation Emails: View the system invitation emails and make edits as needed. For example, if you need to encourage additional participants to join you may want to edit the subject line and possibly the body text to let invitees know you've extended the deadline for joining.

What are the users' profile statuses?

Click to expand section

On each tile you can:

  • Click on the number of users in each category to view a detailed 'User View' of those users, whether by total number of users or by individual role. For the bar chart, click onto the bar to view each role's list of users.

  • Filter by custom timeframes by clicking on 'Program start to date' to change the date range.


  • The 'Unpublished Users' tile has a 3-dot menu providing a shortcut to viewing the profile form you created!

  • The 'Published Users' bar chart has a 3-dot menu enabling you to download a PNG or CSV file. of the list of published users in your chosen time frame.

Users - Awaiting Signup (Unregistered)

Unregistered users have been sent a system email to complete sign-up. They are sent a system email with a button to 'Complete Signup' under two different circumstances:

  • Applications accepted, awaiting signup: Membership application has been accepted by an admin and has received the system email: 'Membership request accepted notification to the applicant'.

  • Users added, awaiting signup: Users added to the platform by an admin via the 'Add Users' tool. Upon upload, users are sent the system email, 'Invitation to join {{subprogram_or_program_name}} {{as_role_name_articleized}}'

Navigation: Manage > Enrollment > Add Users

For more information, click here: Add Users Enrollment Workflow Chart

Note: Users are added to the platform by an admin are not the same as users who have been sent an invitation with an expiration date. That process is done via the 'Invitations' tool. Navigation: Manage > Enrollment > Invitations

Unpublished Users

There are two categories on this tile:

  • All Unpublished users

  • Registered users yet to publish profile: Users who have set up a password but haven't completed (published) their profiles; not yet eligible for matching.

What's the difference?

Registered users have clicked on the 'Complete Signup' button in their email, but have not done anything else. Merely clicking on the button changes their status to 'registered', however there are subsequent actions they must take in order to also have a 'published' status:

  • Set a password (if required to log on)

  • Complete all mandatory fields on their profile

Only published users are 'active' and can appear as a possible match.

Matching Page

Your dashboard Matching page is an easy and efficient way to track the progress of your program matching with useful metrics that enable you to quickly analyze ascertain what you need to do to increase your match rates.

Depending on whether you are running an admin-match or a self-match program, the data on the Matching page will be a little different. The following sections break down what data is available based these two matching types.

In both cases, admin or self-match program types, clicking on any of the user numbers on the Matching page will provide a detailed list user view of the users that fall into that metric.

Remember that clicking on information icons will provide descriptions and in some cases, a link to a Help Center article:

View Match Configuration

Click to expand section

On the top right side of the screen, you'll see the 'View Match Configuration' link. Clicking on this link will open the 'Matching Customization' page. This is where the program's matching criteria, or algorithm is set by your Chronus contact. You can play around with matching configuration here by pulling in different profile fields into the matching criteria that produces the match score, but your changes will not be saved.

In the sample match configuration shown below, there are two configurations that will impact the match score based on whether or not mentees and mentors selections align with each other:

  • Competency selection profile fields:

    • Mentors select the areas that they can 'provide mentoring on'

    • Mentees select areas they want to 'develop in this program'

  • Business Unit: In this program, business units must be the same in order to impact the match score positively. However, if programs are cross-functionally focused, the configuration could be set to only provide top matches from different business units.

Note: Your Chronus team must build or edit the matching algorithm for you. However, you can familiarize yourself with the configuration options and determine the appropriate matching criteria, weightings and rules for your program.

For more:

How Matching Works (concept video)

Self-Match Programs

Click to expand section

In the first section, 'How is matching in your program?', you will find two tiles:

  • Matching Overview

  • Connection Status

How is matching in your program?

Matching Overview tile

  1. Total published (active) users: Users who have completed mandatory profile fields and are eligible for matching. Includes only currently published (active) users. Read more.

  2. Total connected users: Unique users who are currently in one or more ongoing connections.

  3. Match rate: Percentage of signed up users who have connected at least once out of all the users who have published their profiles.

  • Clicking on the individual numbers on this tile will provide a list of the list of users that fall into that particular category.

  • At the bottom left of this tile is a button that links to additional metrics:

Review gap analysis and recruitment recommendations: This button provides quick access to the Match Report.

The Match Report breaks down comparison data on what mentees are looking for in a mentor based on their profile field selections (e.g., areas for development), and where their might be gaps in your mentor population to meet those needs. It also provides recommendations to improve your match rate, such as recruiting mentors that meet specific mentee preferences.

Read more about the Match Report and Membership Outcomes Report here:

Connection Status tile

The second tile in this section shows a chart of connection statuses:

  • Ongoing: Currently active connections

  • Closed: Connections that are closed for any reason; expiration date was reached or changed, admin closed the connection, etc.

  • Drafted: Matches in a drafted state in the 'Bulk Match Users' tool. The ability for admins to draft matches allows them to ensure that all users have a strong match while they're analyzing and possibly reassigning matches before any matches are actually created in the system.

The 3-dot menu on the upper right of this tile allows you to download two different files:

  • PNG: A view of the chart

  • CSV: A list of the user counts in the 3 states.

More Insights

This button provides a shortcut to the Connection Summary Report. This report provides a detailed breakdown of your program connections including:

  • Ongoing connections

  • Dropped connections

  • Completed connections

This report also pulls in positive user sentiment pulled from surveys and added to the Program Outcomes Report.

Navigation: Reports > Outcome Reports > Program Outcomes Report

What is the matching status of your users?

  • Matching Status

  • Drafted Users' Status

Matching Status (Ongoing)

This tile shows a breakdown of all currently unconnected users, those never connected as well as those connected in the past.

An alert has been set for the mentors under the heading of 'Never connected users' indicated by the red bell. This is an alert that has been set to let admins know which mentors that joined over a month ago still are not matched.

This alert, and any others you or Chronus has set are visible by clicking on the red bell at the top right of the page:

Never Connected Mentees (Ongoing)

This tile provides a breakdown of the number of mentees that have requested a mentor, and those that have not. This tile also includes a link on the bottom left that will take you directly to the 'Recommend Users' tool that will allow you to view and send recommended mentor matches to mentees to encourage them to request a match.

Mentoring Requests (Ongoing)

This tile appears in the next section, 'Mentoring requests status', and shows the breakdown of mentoring requests by:

  • Accepted

  • Closed

  • Pending

  • Withdrawn

  • Rejected

To the right of the graph, you see the data for:

  • Mentors with pending requests: Requests sent to mentors that have not yet been responded to, or have reached their auto-close deadline if set by an admin.

  • Mentors with closed requests: Count of unique mentors with at least one pending request that has been auto-closed or closed by an administrator.

An alert highlighted in green at the bottom of the tile will show you whether or not you have set an auto-close date for mentoring requests. Clicking the (Change) link will allow you to easily change the number of days that requests remain as 'Pending'.

The last tile, 'How is your mentor and mentee distribution?', provides the following data:

Mentor - Mentee Ratio (Ongoing)

This tile provides a chart showing your number of mentees compared to your mentor capacity, which is based on how many mentees a mentor can have in your program.

The green bar at the bottom of the tile reminds you of how many mentees you are allowing a mentor to have in this program. The link titled '(Change)' provides a shortcut to your 'Matching Settings' page where you can change your mentor capacity, e.g., increasing the number of mentees a mentor can have.

Admin-Match Programs

Click to expand section

How is matching in your program?

Matching Overview tile

  1. Total published (active) users: Users who have completed mandatory profile fields and are eligible for matching. Includes only currently published (active) users. Read more.

  2. Total connected users: Unique users who are currently in one or more ongoing connections.

  3. Match rate: Percentage of signed up users who have connected at least once out of all the users who have published their profiles.

  • Clicking on the individual numbers on this tile will provide a list of the list of users that fall into that particular category.

  • At the bottom left of this tile is a button that links to additional metrics:

Review gap analysis and recruitment recommendations: This button provides quick access to the Match Report.

The Match Report breaks down comparison data on what mentees are looking for in a mentor based on their profile field selections (e.g., areas for development), and where their might be gaps in your mentor population to meet those needs. It also provides recommendations to improve your match rate, such as recruiting mentors that meet specific mentee preferences.

Read more about the Match Report and Membership Outcomes Report here:

Connection Status tile

The second tile in this section shows a chart of connection statuses:

  • Ongoing: Currently active connections

  • Closed: Connections that are closed for any reason; expiration date was reached or changed, admin closed the connection, etc.

  • Drafted: Matches in a drafted state in the 'Bulk Match Users' tool. The ability for admins to draft matches allows them to ensure that all users have a strong match while they're analyzing and possibly reassigning matches before any matches are actually created in the system.

The 3-dot menu on the upper right of this tile allows you to download two different files:

  • PNG: A view of the chart

  • CSV: A list of the user counts in the 3 states.

More Insights

This button provides a shortcut to the Connection Summary Report. This report provides a detailed breakdown of your program connections including:

  • Ongoing connections

  • Dropped connections

  • Completed connections

This report also pulls in positive user sentiment pulled from surveys and added to the Program Outcomes Report.

Navigation: Reports > Outcome Reports > Program Outcomes Report

What is the matching status of your users?

This section has 2 tiles of matching metrics:

  1. Matching status (ongoing): This chart provides a breakdown of currently unconnected users divided by those who have never been connected and those that had a connection in the past that is now closed. A time frame filter is available on the upper right by clicking on 'Program start to date'.

  2. Drafted users' status: This tile provides a breakdown of drafted and undrafted users, as well as a link on the bottom left that will take you directly to the 'Bulk Match Users' tool to view these participant lists and take action as needed.

As with all tiles, user numbers can be clicked upon for a detailed user view list.

How is your mentor and mentee distribution?

Mentor - Mentee Ratio (Ongoing) Tile

This tile provides a chart showing your number of mentees compared to your mentor capacity, which is based on how many mentees a mentor can have in your program.

The green bar at the bottom of the tile reminds you of how many mentees you are allowing a mentor to have in this program. The link titled '(Change)' provides a shortcut to your 'Matching Settings' page where you can change your mentor capacity, e.g., increasing the number of mentees a mentor can have.

Engagement Page

The Engagement page provides quick insights into how well your mentoring connections are doing, allowing you to quickly ascertain any areas of concern as well as partnerships that are excelling. It also provides quick links and suggestions to boost engagement.

On this page, you can access connection data via two buttons and two tiles as shown in the screenshot below.

Integrations Button

Click to expand section

Click on the Integrations button to view your currently enabled integrations and top-level data usage. This page is known as the 'Virtual Mentoring Dashboard'. Clicking 'View more' on the lower left of each integration product will provide a more breakdown of activity and trends over time.

For more information on the data found here, click to review this article: Virtual Mentoring Dashboard

View Activity Report Button

Click to expand section

Click the View Activity Report button for a shortcut to your 'Mentoring Connection Activity Report' page. At the top right of the page you have access to the following data filterable by timeframe:

Filter Report

Click on the filter icon to set your own detailed filters for the mentoring connection details you wish to view:

  • Status (mentoring connection status - not started, active, inactive, closed)

  • Task Status (view all connections, connections with or without overview tasks, or custom filter which allows you to select a specific tasks and task status by role)

  • Mentoring Connection Plan Templates (filter connections by template assigned

  • Survey Status (by survey and completion status)

  • Survey Response (by survey and survey question)

  • Mentoring Connection Name

  • Mentee

  • Mentor

  • Mentor profile fields (select field and specific response choices)

  • Mentee profile fields (select field and specific response choices)

Download Report

Click on the download icon to download an xls report on your mentoring connections for the timeframe selected. This report contains data based on any columns you have added or removed from the mentoring connection tile on this page (see below for more details).

Mentoring Connection Activity Report Tiles

On this page you will find Activity Trends & Summary (first tile) and a connections table (second tile) that enables you to quickly view activity by partnership.

Activity Trends: This section of the tile provides mentoring connection activity filterable by day, week and month. Activities tracked are:

  • Messages

  • Tasks Completed

  • Meetings

  • Survey Responses

Summary: This section provides the number of ongoing connections and total of activities, as well as a breakdown of occurrences for each activity. It also provides a pie chart of connections with and without activities.

Connections Table: The second tile on this page provides activity details by mentoring connection. Clicking on a mentoring connection name will take you to that mentoring connection's Plan page to view their goals and task completion.

On the upper right of this tile is the 'Edit Columns' button which enables you to select or deselect data based on what you which to see or download on this report.

How healthy are your ongoing mentoring connections based on surveys?

Click to expand section

This tile provides your data and the ability for you to customize it for reporting on the mentoring connection health of your program.

Mentoring Connection health

The gear icon ⚙ next to 'Mentoring connection health' allows you to select the surveys and survey responses you want to use to determine your program health as determined by positive, neutral or negative mentoring connection survey responses. This puts the control in your hands to determine what qualifies as a positive, neutral or negative response specifically with regard to connection health:

To the right of the tile header, you'll see a button titled, 'Last 30 Days'. This button allows you to select custom timeframes within which to view survey responses.

The data tracking bar on this tile will show the aggregate data for connection health based on the surveys and responses you have selected for this data. Three percentages are provided:

  • Postive

  • Neutral/Negative

  • No Responses

To the right of this tile you'll see the list of surveys utilized in this report. Click on any of these surveys will provide a breakdown of individual connections and their responses.

Clicking on the 'Survey Responses' button on the lower right of this tile will take you to all surveys created for this program.

Ongoing Mentoring Connection Status

Click to expand section

This tile provides the status of your current mentoring connections by status:

  • Active

  • Inactive

  • Not Started

To the upper right of this tile, you'll see the options to:

  • Click on the 'Program start to date' button to adjust/select your timeframe to view data. This data will show you connection statuses that occurred during the timeframe you selected. For instance. if you select the timeframe of the last 7 days, the data shown will be only of connections that became Active, Inactive or Not Started within the last 7 days.

  • Access the 3-Dot menu enabling you to download a .CSV or .PNG file of the data

Clicking on your pie chart will take you directly to your those mentoring connections to view detailed data about those connections. For more information on the data and the actions you can take for individual connections, see: Activity Summary: Deeper Insights into Individual Connections.

Ongoing mentoring connections that have deactivated users (All time)

This section of the tile provides a number indicating any ongoing mentoring connections where one of the partners have been deactivated and therefore, the connection is no longer viable. To keep your data clean, be sure to close these connections or replace deativated users with a new, active user.

Inactivity period tracking is set to:

This section of the tile shows the current setting for inactivity tracking which is selected on the 'Mentoring Connection Settings' page. To change the timeframe for this setting, simply click (Change). This will take you to that page containing the 'Inactivity Tracking' section that allows you to send a survey to users that have not logged onto the platform during the period of time you have selected.

For more information on the options for this setting, see: Program Settings: Mentoring Connection Settings

Program Communications

To the right of the Admin Dashboard, you'll see the Program Communications megaphone icon. Clicking on it will open your Program Communications window.

Click on megaphone icon:

Program Communications window slides in from the right side of your screen:

Here you can view your active:

  • Email Campaigns

  • Announcements

  • System Emails

This window provides a shortcut to these functions so that you can create or activate any of these elements to increase engagement by providing information and prompting users to take any necessary actions.

Email Campaigns

Click to expand section

Email Campaigns automate the sending of sequential emails to a dynamic group of users who have not yet taken certain actions, such as those who have not completed their profiles. The purpose of a campaign is to send sequential reminders to ensure communications are being received and responded to. Email campaigns are an effective tool for improving your key metrics, such as enrollment and match rates, by prompting users who have fallen behind.

Navigation: Manage > Engagement > Email Campaigns

Examples of Campaigns

  • Get mentors / mentees to sign up (target users who have not signed up after their membership requests have been accepted into a program)

  • Get mentors to accept pending meeting requests (target mentors who have a lot of pending meeting requests, especially in programs with Flash Mentoring enabled)

  • Get mentees to connect (target mentees who have remained unconnected in programs with the self-select mode enabled)

  • Improve profile scores (target users with low profile completion scores)

  • Get users to publish profiles (target users who have registered but have unpublished profiles)

  • Distribute useful program or information on areas of learning sequentially based on topics is the program or the mentorship phase.


Click to expand section

Announcements enable an administrator to produce and deliver important information to program participants that is posted to a user's homepage and can include embedded video or links. Admins also have the option to email the announcement when they create it, to ensure the communication is delivered.

Announcements can be posted for all participants, or to a specific, pre-defined user view that meets certain criteria. The can be used effectively to:

  • Welcome new program participants.

  • Remind participants that a program cohort will be ending soon.

  • Inform participants that something important will be happening soon within the organization.

  • Provide necessary next step actions the user must take to continue to progress in the program.

Navigation: Manage > Engagement > Announcements

System Emails

Click to expand section

System Emails are provided by the Chronus platform for every step of the user journey to inform and guide them accordingly. They provide an incredible level of automation for admins. System emails are triggered by admin and user actions or events, based on their particular program type and settings. Many contain embedded variable tags that automatically insert specific data as applicable based on the recipient, such as their name, the program name, mentor recommendations, etc. System emails can be edited by admins and turned on or off as needed.

They are categorized as follows:

  • Enrollment and user management

  • Matching and engagement

  • Community features

  • General administration

  • Digests and weekly updates

Navigation: Manage > Program Configuration > System Emails

Custom Metrics

The 'Custom Metrics' button on the right of the header bar allows you to add User Views (groups of users that match certain rules) so that you can easily track their metrics from your dashboard. These are groups of users and activities that you want to pay close attention to, such as users that have not completed enrollment, requested a match, or logged in during a certain timeframe.

Clicking on the 'Custom Metric' button opens a panel with 3 tabs - Enrollment, Matching and Engagement. Select a tab to view the metrics for that feature. To the right of each metric title/user view is the number of users that match that description.

These previously created User Views that were added to the Custom Metrics tab via the 'Add new metric' link shown below on the right.

What is a User View?

A User View is a report that provides data on a group of users that match certain rules. There are User Views that come with the platform and you can create your own custom views as well. Once created, individual User Views can be selected to appear on your dashboard as shown in the panel above. All User Views can be accessed from the Reports dropdown on the left navigation bar.

Viewing, Editing & Adding New Metrics

Click to expand section

Viewing & Editing User Views

In the example below, there are 3 User Views on the Matching tab listed under '3 metrics'. These are previously created views along with the total number of users that match the description. To the right of each you will see:

  • Metric: The number of users that match the rule for this User View.

  • 3-Dot Menu: Clicking this menu allows you select these options:

  • Edit: Opens the 'Edit Report' window to:

    • Select a different report to appear in under your Metrics column

    • Change the name of the report

    • Select who can see this metric - All Administrators or Only me

    • Add or change the description

  • Delete: Clicking 'Delete' will remove the user view and metric from the Custom Metrics tab, but will not delete it altogether. The view will still be accessible from Reports > User Reports unless you choose to delete it from their as well.

  • Add Alert/Edit Alert: This option allows you to add an alert or edit an existing alert if an alert has already been configured for this user metric.

Adding A New Metric

There are two ways to add a new metric to your dashboard Custom Metrics panel:

  1. Edit Report: While you're in the 'Edit Report' pop-up as shown above, you can click on the 'Select a Report' field to view a dropdown list of all the other User Views/Reports that are in your Reports > User Reports area of the platform. This field allows you to select another report to replace this one in your dashboard Custom Metrics area.

  2. Add New Metric: Clicking on the 'Add new metric' link will open the same 'Edit Report' pop-up with blank fields. Complete the fields and click the 'Add' button to add the new metric to your Custom Metrics panel.


Setting alerts enables you to track changes or lack of progress in the metrics associated with your Enrollment, Matching and Engagement phases. Setting an alert involves selecting a trigger for the metrics you wish to track, such as enrollment metrics falling below a certain number during a specific timeframe. The system will alert you when your trigger/threshold has been met so that you can take any necessary actions.

When alerts have been met (triggered), a badge will appear on the bell icon in your dashboard header:

Creating Alerts

To add an alert:

Step 1: Click on the bell icon on the top right of the Home page dashboard to open the Alerts panel.

Step 2: Click on the 'Add Alert' link on the upper right of the panel:

Step 3: All of the metrics available to set an alert for appear in this list. Scrolling down the list will reveal metrics for all 3 pages, starting with Enrollment:

If you want to create an alert based on your own custom metric, you will first need to create that User View filter, the add it to your Custom Metrics panel. To do this, see the Custom Metrics section above.

Step 4: Complete the Alert form:

  • Alert Frequency: Select how ofter you want to be alerted via email: Daily or Weekly

  • Alert to: Select All Administrators (for this program) or Only Me

  • When to trigger: Add the value that is your threshold for being alerted:

    • Greater than + number

    • Less than + number

    • Equals + number

    • Click the ⊕ to add additional conditions for this trigger

Options presented by the ⊕ sign are:

  • Last login on

  • Signed up on

  • Mentoring Connection status

  • Last Mentoring Connection closed on

Following this selection, click on 'Select' to choose your timeframe:

  • In last + number of days

  • Before last + number of days

Once your form is complete, click 'Save'. Your new alert will now show up under 'Configured Alerts' on the Alerts panel and will notify you when the alert is met.

Flash Program

A Flash program is designed for one-time mentoring sessions, where mentees can reach out to mentors for short, focused meetings. These are not long-term commitments and are often used by organizations for quick guidance or networking.

Key Features of the Flash Dashboard:

  • Meeting Status: Displays the different states of one-time meetings, such as:

    • Upcoming: Meetings scheduled for the future.

    • Overdue: Meetings where the scheduled time has passed but users haven't marked them as complete or canceled.

    • Completed: Meetings that users have marked as completed.

    • Canceled: Meetings that were canceled by users.

  • Meeting Request: Details the statuses of one-time meeting requests, including:

    • Accepted: Requests that were accepted by a mentor.

    • Closed: Requests that were automatically closed after a certain period of inactivity.

    • Pending: Requests that are awaiting a mentor's response.

    • Withdrawn: Requests that were withdrawn by the mentee.

    • Declined: Requests that were rejected by the mentor.

Matching Status

  • Matching Status (One-time): Shows how many users have been connected through long term connections, and how many are still unconnected.

  • Matching Status (Ongoing): Shows how many users have been connected through one-time meetings, and how many are still unconnected.

Never Connected Mentees

  • Never Connected Mentees (Ongoing): Displays the number of mentees who have never sent a mentoring request for an ongoing session, as well as those who sent a request but were not matched with a mentor.

  • Never Connected Mentees (One-Time): Displays the number of mentees who have never sent a meeting request for a one-time session, as well as those who sent a request but were not matched with a mentor.

Program Administrators can view users who have never sent a request. By clicking on the "Never Sent Request" option, they can access the full list of these users. Program Administrators can then take action based on this data, such as sending automated campaigns to encourage users to send meeting requests.

Navigation Path: Manage > Never Sent Request > Actions

Clicking the “Alerts” button takes admins to the “Manage Alerts” screen, where they can set alerts as outlined in the Alerts section.


In Flash Programs, the "Engagement" tab will display a single survey prompt that shows metrics for one-time meetings based on survey responses.

Combined Program

A Combined program includes both long-term mentoring connections and one-time flash meetings. This type of program offers mentees the flexibility to engage in either or both types of mentorship.

Key Features of the Combined Dashboard:

  • Matching Status: Provides a detailed breakdown of mentees and their connection status:

    • Long-Term Connections: Shows how many mentees are currently connected or unconnected in ongoing mentoring relationships.

    • One-Time Meetings: Shows how many mentees have had one-time meetings, as well as those who have not yet been connected for a flash meeting.

  • Connection Status: Shows the overall connection status of users, including both long-term connections and one-time meetings.

    • Displays how many users are connected via long-term relationships and how many have been connected through one-time flash meetings.

  • Matching Status: Provides a detailed breakdown of mentees and their connection status:

    • Long-Term Connections: Shows how many mentees are currently connected or unconnected in ongoing mentoring relationships.

    • One-Time Meetings: Shows how many mentees have had one-time meetings, as well as those who have not yet been connected for a flash meeting.

Never Connected Mentees: Similar to the Flash dashboard, but shows a breakdown of mentees for both long-term and one-time meetings.

Mentoring Request and Meeting Request (Split View): Displays the status of long-term mentoring requests and one-time meeting requests in a single view.


In a Combined Program, program admins can access two surveys for long-term connections: a mid-point check-in survey and a completion survey.

Circles Program

Circles enable users to create group programs centered around shared interests, similar to Employee Resource Groups (ERGs).

The Circles dashboard will include a matching overview section, similar to those in Flash and Combined Programs. Additionally, the enrollment process will follow the same steps as other program types.

  • Connection Status: Shows the overall circle connection status of users.

    • Displays how many users were connected in the last seven days and how many connections are closing in the next seven days.

  • Meeting Status (Ongoing): Displays the status of ongoing circle sessions to track engagements among users.

Circle Status

The image displays the admin view of a circle program dashboard, showing various metrics related to circle statuses. It includes a pie chart indicating the number of circles in different stages, such as "Ongoing," "Closed," "Drafted," "Proposed," "Available," "Withdrawn," and "Rejected."

The dashboard provides an overview of the total number of circles and detailed counts for each status, helping program admins understand the current state and progress of circle programs. Additional insights can be accessed through the "More Insights" button.

Matching Status (Ongoing): Shows how many users have been connected through circles, and how many are still unconnected.

Circle Requests: Shows admins how many circle requests are “Pending,” “Accepted,” “Rejected” “Withdrawn,” and “Closed.”

Pending Circle Requests

To view detailed information on "Pending Circle Requests," click the "Take Action" button. This will take you to a page displaying all pending requests submitted by users.

To manage pending requests, click the “Actions” button located on the right side of the screen.

You will then have the option to either “Accept” or “Reject” the Circle Request.

On the Matching tab, Admins can draft a circle and publish users into a circle. If there are people that are not in ongoing connections they will be shown with the “Drafted Users’ Status.”

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