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Reports: Health Reports
Updated over a week ago


Chronus offers several reporting tools for your programs. This article covers the reports that can be found under the Reports dropdown in the left navigation menu within a program track in the Health Reports section. You can also quickly navigate to some of these reports from the Manage page within the Reporting tile.

Health reports are composed of data related to your program's health and include enrollment, matching, and connections-related information.

Different reports are available for different enrollment methods (apply to join, invitations, etc.) and different program types (1:1 ongoing mentoring, flash, circles, etc.). For this reason, some of the reports covered in this article may not be applicable or available for your program.

Enrollment Health

The Enrollment Health section includes two reports, Membership Requests and Invitations, which are explained in detail below.

1. Membership Requests

The Membership Requests report provides a list of all membership applications submitted by prospective program users. The report includes a dashboard (filterable by time period) of received, pending, accepted, and rejected membership requests. From this report, you can review and take action on pending membership requests.

This report will be available only for programs that have selected the following options within Membership Settings: ‘Apply to Join’ and ‘Administrator approval required’.

2. Invitations

This report provides a summary of the status of all sent invitations. From this report, you can also send invitations, view or edit invitation emails, and track invitation status. This report is also available when going to the Manage page and selecting the Enrollment tile and Invitations tool.

Matching Health

The Matching Health section includes three reports: Match Report, Meeting Requests, and Mentoring Requests. Each report is explained in detail below.

1. Match Report

The Match Report breaks down data on mentee matching and shows you what mentees are looking for in a mentor while providing insightful data and targeted mentor recruitment recommendations to help you determine strategies to improve your program's match rate. This report is divided into several parts, which are explained below, and will display different metrics depending on the matching style for your program.

Current Status - Admin Match

  • Mentee Match Rate: The percentage of mentees who have connected with a mentor at least once compared to the total number of mentees in an active state within the program track.

  • Drafted Mentees: The percentage of mentees who are in a drafted connection out of the total number of currently unconnected mentees.

  • Unconnected Mentees: The percentage of mentees who have never been connected with a mentor out of the total number of mentees in an active state.

  • Program start to date: Beneath the above metrics, you will see the time frame for the report. To change the time frame, click the arrow next to the current time frame, then select any of the available options: Last 7 days, Month to date, Year to date, Program start date (default setting), and Custom.

Current Status - Self Match

match report.png
  • Mentees who Sent Requests: The percentage of mentees who have sent a request to a mentor at least once compared to the total number of mentees in an active state within the program track.

  • Mentees with Accepted Requests: The percentage of mentee requests that have been accepted by a mentor.

  • Mentee Match Rate: The percentage of mentees who have been connected with a mentor at least once compared with the total number of mentees in an active state within the program track (includes self match & admin match).

  • Program start to date: Beneath the above metrics, you will see the time frame for the report. To change the time frame, click the arrow next to the current time frame, then select any of the available options: Last 7 days, Month to date, Year to date, Program start date (default setting), and Custom.

Mentee and Mentor Distribution

  • Currently Unconnected Mentees vs Available Mentors: By default, this report will depict the number of mentees that are not currently in a connection and the mentors that currently have at least one connection slot available. The user segments shown can be adjusted using the gear icon at the top right, explained in more detail below.

  • Recommendations to recruit: Indicates mentors with profile responses that are not meeting mentee demand at this point in time.

  • Configure User Views for Assessment: Click the Gear icon on the right side of the page, just above this card, to choose two different user views to compare. The default views for mentees and mentors are 'Currently Unconnected Mentees and Available Mentors'.

Matching Criteria Gap Analysis

This graph aggregates your participants' responses to the profile fields utilized in the matching algorithm to determine how many mentors selected a certain choice in a user profile compared to how many mentees selected a matching choice (e.g. how many mentors have a specific skill versus how many mentees are looking for that specific skill).

The profile fields listed on the left are the different mentee profile fields that are included in the matching algorithm for the program track. The bars on the graph represent the number of mentees (orange) compared to the number of mentors (green) who selected matching profile field responses. Each profile field response is listed on the x-axis.

Clicking a different mentee profile field on the left will refresh the graph with the corresponding data for that profile field. This report will always depict answer choices deriving from the user segments selected via the Mentor and Mentee Distribution report explained above.

2. Meeting Requests (One time/Flash Mentoring Programs Only)

The Meeting Requests report shows the status of all meeting requests in a Flash Mentoring program during the time frame specified in the upper right corner. This report displays the following information:

  1. Received: Total number of meeting requests that have successfully reached the meeting recipient's inbox.

  2. Pending: Meeting requests that have been sent by a program participant; the recipients have yet to take action upon this request.

  3. Accepted: Meeting requests that have been accepted by a recipient.

  4. Others: Meeting requests that were either declined by the recipient, withdrawn by the sender, or closed by timing out.

  5. Status Tabs: Clicking one of the tabs here will show detailed information about the meetings that are in the corresponding state (Pending, Accepted, Declined, Withdrawn, Closed).

  6. Actions Button: You can take different actions on meetings depending on their state. Ticking the checkbox next to the meeting(s) you'd like to select and clicking the Actions button will show you what you can do with the selected meeting(s), including closing a pending request or exporting the information via CSV.

    Screenshot 2023-07-18 132606.png

3. Mentoring Requests (Self-match Ongoing Mentoring Programs Only)

The Mentoring Requests report shows all of the mentoring requests that have been sent by mentees to mentors in a self-match ongoing mentoring program for the time frame specified in the upper right-hand corner of the page. The report includes a dashboard with cards detailing metrics for the number of mentoring requests Received, Pending, Accepted, and Others.

  • Received: The total number of mentoring requests received by mentors.

  • Pending: The total number of mentoring requests that have neither been accepted nor declined.

  • Accepted: The total number of mentoring requests that have been accepted by mentors.

  • Others: The total number of mentoring requests that have been rejected, withdrawn, or closed

By clicking the tabs beneath the metrics cards in the image shown below, you can view more detailed information about the mentoring requests that are in each status-Pending, Accepted, Rejected, Withdrawn, and Closed.

Post Matching Health

The Post Matching Health section contains five reports, Meeting Report, Mentoring Connection Report, Mentoring Connection Activity Report, Mentoring Calendar Report, and Check-in Report, which are explained in detail below.

1. Meeting Report (One-time/Flash Mentoring Only)

The Meeting Report will show the status of all one-time/flash mentoring meetings for the time frame specified in the upper right corner of the page.

  • All Meetings: Total number of meetings scheduled based on the selected time period.

  • Upcoming: Total number of upcoming meetings that have been scheduled.

  • Overdue: Total number of meetings that did not take place on their scheduled date.

  • Completed: Total number of meetings that have been completed.

  • Canceled: Total number of meetings that have been canceled.

By clicking the tabs beneath the metrics cards in the image shown below, you can view more detailed information about the meetings that are in each status-All, Upcoming, Overdue, Completed, and Canceled.

2. Mentoring Connection Report

This link takes you to the Connection report found in the Connections Tool. Click here for details about this report.

3. Mentoring Connection Activity Report

This report provides detailed information about the activity of your mentoring connections. It consists of two parts: a graphic containing activity trends and a more detailed breakdown of this data, which provides more insight into the specific activities that each mentoring pair has engaged in (i.e. number of meetings scheduled, tasks completed, etc).

Activity Trends, Summary, & Mentoring Connections Graphs

The Activity Trends, Summary, and Mentoring Connections Graphs show overall activity statistics among mentoring pairs for a selected time period. You can filter by various time periods and dates by clicking on the dropdown menu next to the date range on the top right of this graphic. Additionally, you can click on the funnel icon next to the date range drop-down menu to add additional filters to this report. You may also export this report as a CSV by simply clicking on the download/export icon directly to the right of the funnel icon.

Detailed Data

You can view detailed information regarding the specific activity of each mentoring pair from the Mentoring Connection Activity Report directly beneath the Activity Trends, Summary, and Mentoring Connections graphic (as shown in the above image). From this view, you can also click on the Edit Columns button on the top right and select any fields that you would like to view in the report. To add a field or fields, please click the plus sign next to each field in the left-hand column in the pop-up box and click the Update View button to save your selections (as shown in the image below).

Edit Columns

4. Mentoring Calendar Report

This report provides a detailed view of the meetings that connected users have scheduled. It highlights specific meeting information such as the meeting title, the names of the mentor and mentee involved, meeting length, and meeting mode. You can filter by various time periods and dates by clicking on the dropdown menu next to the date range on the top right of this report. Additionally, you can click on the funnel icon next to the date range drop-down menu to add additional filters to this report. You may also export this report to a CSV by simply clicking on the download/export icon directly to the right of the funnel icon.

5. Check-In Report

This report provides a log view of all program participant task check-ins across all mentoring connections within your program. The Mentor/Mentee Check-in feature allows your participants to check in on a specific task by logging how much time they spent completing the task and the date that they completed it. In order to view this report, your program type must include a connection plan, and you must enable this feature in your Program Settings. For more information on enabling this feature and viewing this report, please refer to the Mentor/Mentee Check-in Feature: Enable Users to Track Mentoring Hours article.

6. Meeting Surveys (One time/Flash Mentoring Only)

The Meeting Surveys section includes survey response reports for surveys designed for One Time or Flash Mentoring programs. These reports include an overview of responses and response rates for meetings. If you do not have one-time mentoring enabled for your program, you will not see these reports. You can filter by various time periods and dates by clicking on the dropdown menu next to the date range on the top right of this report. Additionally, you can click on the funnel icon next to the date range drop-down menu to add additional filters to this report. You may also export this report to a CSV by simply clicking on the download/export icon directly to the right of the funnel icon. The View Survey button redirects to the Surveys tool within the Engagement card.

7. Mentoring Connection Surveys (Ongoing Mentoring Programs Only)

The Mentoring Connection Surveys card includes survey response reports for surveys that you have designed for your ongoing mentoring connections. These reports provide an overview of responses and response rates for connection surveys that are part of a one-to-one mentoring connection plan. You can filter by various time periods and dates by clicking on the dropdown menu next to the date range on the top right of this report. Additionally, you can click on the funnel icon next to the date range drop-down menu to add additional filters to this report. You may also export this report to a CSV by simply clicking on the download/export icon directly to the right of the funnel icon. The View Survey button redirects to the Surveys tool within the Engagement card.

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