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Rating Mentors and Coaches
Updated over 10 months ago


The Mentors Rating feature allows mentees to select one to five stars to rate a mentor they have had a connection with, as well as add comments. Mentor ratings are cumulative; as multiple mentees rate the mentor, the number of stars on their profile (only visible to admins) will show the average of all mentee ratings.

This feature is available only by request. Please reach out to you Customer Success team member for consultation to determine if the feature would be a good fit for your program.

Why it matters: This feature allows enables admins can track mentor quality based on ratings. This can be helpful in ascertaining any issues with the quality of mentoring being provided by a mentor and indicate a need for further training or intervention.

Please note: An admin cannot remove a rating provided by a mentee. If there is concern about a rating, please create a ticket for our Support Team to remove the rating.

Mentee Experience

At the close of a connection, an email will be sent to the mentee to rate the mentor. A mentee can rate their mentor by hovering over the mentor's name on the 'Members' tile on the right of the Connection Plan page. This opens the mentor's profile summary which includes an 'Actions' button with a dropdown option to 'Provide a rating':

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Upon clicking to 'Provide a rating', the mentee can select 1 to 5 stars to rate the mentor, as well as leave useful comments:

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A user can provide multiple reviews of the same mentor if needed for example, to provide individual ratings per coaching session.

Admin Views and Actions

Admins receive notifications of new ratings and can take the following actions:

1) View rating on an Individual's profile

The aggregate 5-star rating will appear beside the individual's name on their profile (viewable only by admins, not users).

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Clicking on the ratings link beside the stars will provide the mentee name, date and description:

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2) View rating prior to creating a match

When on an individual mentee profile, click on 'Find a Mentor' on the 'Administrative Actions' card to the right:

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Here you can see the aggregate rating the proposed mentors:

3) Add the 'Rating' column to user views

Step 1: Access the 'All Users' Table

Navigation option 1: Home > Active Users (click on number of active users) > All Users

From the dropdown you can select from the current views available such as 'All Mentors,' or create a new view. For more information on creating custom views, see:

Navigation option 2: Manage > Reports > User Reports > All Mentors

Step 2: Update View

Once your user view is open, click the green button on the upper right, 'Update View.' Complete the form adding a Title, Description and by selecting fields to display. The screenshot below shows that the 'Rating' field has been added from the left 'Fields Available' column to the right 'Selected Fields' column by using the + icon to add it:

Screenshot 2023-09-26 at 9.29.20 AM.png

Step 3: Sort by Rating Column

To sort for high or low-rated mentors, simply click on the Rating column header and a down arrow appears, this will allow you to view mentors and their ratings from lowest to highest and vice versa.

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Step 4: Export .CSV

To export a .csv file (viewable within Excel), click on the checkboxes next to each mentor you want on your report (e.g. low-rated mentors whom you would like to investigate further for training needs).

Click the 'Actions' button on the upper left of the table and to select 'Export to csv' from the dropdown.

Frequently Asked Questions

Can mentors and coaches see their own ratings? Are they aware they are being rated?
Only the admin sees all ratings and therefore, can investigate further to ascertain whether a low rating indicates mentor training needed, or is a result of some other issue in the relationship.

Does this work for a self-match system where mentees can see mentor ratings before sending a request?
No. This is built for a workflow where connections are created by admins, as an aid to creating the right engagements.

Will ratings disappear if the feature is 'Mentors Rating' turned off?

Yes. You will no longer be able to view mentor ratings once the feature is turned off. However, if you create a user view that contains the ratings fields, you can download the report to save the ratings and descriptions before turning off the feature.

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