Virtual Meet is a video conferencing service available through Chronus for organizations that do not have their own video conferencing software. It serves as a video conference solution for holding meetings through Chronus, especially for any organization that does not utilize a different video conferencing software.
If you are interested in exploring Virtual Meet more and seeing if it would be a good option for your program, please get in touch with your Account Executive or Account Manager for further discussion.
Getting Started
Once the feature has been enabled for your instance by the Customer Success team, you will want to work with them to discuss promoting and rolling out the feature to your constituency. It's important to take this step to help maximize the potential outreach to your participants.
Once you have a solid plan in place, users will be ready to start utilizing the video conferencing feature.
End User Workflow
Going forward, your participants will have a new option available under Meeting Mode when creating meetings: Video Call. Participants should select this option to utilize it when the time comes for their meeting.
About ten minutes prior to the meeting starting, the Join Meeting button will appear in the meeting summary within Chronus. Clicking this button will launch the video conferencing software.
Virtual Meeting Report
With every virtual meeting scheduled, you will be able to view the details of any upcoming meeting including an attendee list and meeting details.
In addition, the Mentoring Calendar Report in the Health Reports tab will show you information on the previous meetings such as the duration of the meeting, who participated, and the number of attendees.
Frequently Asked Questions (FAQ)
What's the maximum number of participants in a single meeting session?
The limit is 20 users per meeting.
Will transcripts or logs of the chat messages from the conference be available or emailed to participants after the meeting is over?
Chronus does not store or send this information, per privacy regulations.