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SFTP Errors: What you need to know
SFTP Errors: What you need to know
Updated over 3 months ago

SFTP Error Messages Documentation

The above mentioned errors are part of the validate CSV step, below errors occur while the system is processing the csv. There is a threshold of 30,000 records. If it exceed then the feed will fail.

Validate CSV Step Errors

1. First Name

  • Mandatory Field: Yes

  • Validation Rules:

    1. The field must be present and cannot be blank.

    2. The maximum length for this field is 100 characters.

  • Error Messages:

    1. Missing First Name:

      • Message: "Some records are blank."

      • Description: This error occurs when the 'First Name' field is left empty or is missing from the record.

    2. First Name Exceeds Maximum Length:

      • Error: "Some records exceed the maximum length of 100."

      • Description: This error occurs when the length of the 'First Name' exceeds 100 characters.

2. Last Name

  • Mandatory Field: Yes

  • Validation Rules:

    1. The field must be present and cannot be blank.

    2. The maximum length for this field is 100 characters.

  • Error Messages:

    1. Missing Last Name:

      • Message: "Some records are blank."

      • Description: This error occurs when the 'Last Name' field is left empty or is missing from the record.

    2. Last Name Exceeds Maximum Length:

      • Message: "Some records exceed the maximum length of 100."

      • Description: This error occurs when the length of the 'Last Name' exceeds 100 characters.

3. Email

  • Mandatory Field: Yes

  • Validation Rules:

    1. The field must be present and cannot be blank.

    2. The length of the email must be between 6 and 100 characters.

  • Error Messages:

    1. Missing Email:

      • Message: "Some records are blank."

      • Description: This error occurs when the 'Email' field is left empty or is missing from the record.

    2. Email Exceeds Maximum Length:

      • Message: "Some records exceed the maximum length of 100."

      • Description: This error occurs when the length of the 'Email' exceeds 100 characters.

    3. Email Below Minimum Length:

      • Message: "Some records are less than the minimum length 6."

      • Description: This error occurs when the length of the 'Email' is less than 6 characters.

4. Choice-Based Questions

  • Validation Rules:

    1. The selected options must be from a predefined list of valid choices.

  • Error Messages:

    1. Invalid Choices:

      • Message: "Contains invalid choices. The invalid choices are: %{invalid_choices}"

      • Description: This error occurs when the selected options include one or more choices not present in the list of valid options. The placeholder %{invalid_choices} will be replaced with the actual invalid choices provided.

5. Optional Manager Field

  • Field Description: This field is optional, but if the manager import is mapped, it must include complete information.

  • Validation Rules:

    1. The record must include values for Manager First Name, Manager Last Name, and Manager Email.

  • Error Messages:

    1. Incomplete Manager Information:

      • Message: "Some records contain invalid manager fields. Manager field comprises Manager First Name, Manager Last Name, and Manager Email, and all of these fields must be present for a manager entry."

      • Description: This error occurs when any of the required fields for the manager (Manager First Name, Manager Last Name, Manager Email) are missing or left blank.

  1. Duplicate Email Address:

    • Message: "Both Member and Manager can't have the same Email Address."

    • Description: This error occurs when the email address for a member is the same as the email address for a manager. Each individual must have a unique email address to prevent conflicts and ensure accurate identification.

6. Optional UUID Field

  • Field Description: This field is optional, but if the UUID import is selected, each record must include a value.

  • Validation Rules:

    1. The UUID field must contain a value if the UUID import is mapped.

  • Error Messages:

    1. Missing UUID:

      • Message: "Some records are blank."

      • Description: This error occurs when the UUID field is selected for import, but some records do not have a corresponding UUID value. The UUID field must be populated for all records if this option is selected.

The above mentioned errors are part of the validate CSV step, below errors occur while the system is processing the csv.


By default, the Email is the primary key. But in the configure feed step, if the unique identifier is selected as UUID, then the primary key will be set as the UUID and the secondary key as the email.

  1. Email Missing or UUID Missing

Description: This error occurs when a record does not have an email. If a UUID is configured, then this error occurs when the UUID is missing.

  1. Duplicate Email or Duplicate UUID

Description: This error occurs when the primary key, which can be either an email or a UUID if configured as the unique identifier, appears more than once in the uploaded CSV file. This means that the same email or UUID is repeated within the CSV, violating the uniqueness constraint required for primary keys.

  1. Duplicate Email

Description: This error occurs when the secondary key, which is the email when a UUID is selected as the primary key, appears more than once in the uploaded CSV file. This means that the same email is repeated within the CSV, violating the uniqueness constraint required for secondary keys when UUID is used as the primary key.

  1. Primary and Secondary keys have different data

Description: This error occurs when a UUID that already exists in the system is provided with a different email in the uploaded CSV file. This indicates that an existing member's UUID is being associated with an email that belongs to a different member, causing a conflict between the primary and secondary keys.

  1. Record trying to create a new member with duplicate email id

Description: This error occurs when a new UUID is provided in the uploaded CSV file, but the email associated with this new UUID already exists in the system with a different UUID. This means that the new UUID is conflicting with an existing member’s email, which is already associated with a different UUID.

  1. First name can't be blank

Description: This error occurs when the first name field is empty and cannot be left blank.

  1. Last name can't be blank

Description: This error occurs when the last name field is empty and cannot be left blank.

  1. Last name is too short (minimum is 1 character)

Description: This error occurs when the last name is shorter than the minimum required length of 1 character.

  1. Email is too short (minimum is 6 characters)

Description: This error occurs when the email is shorter than the minimum required length of 6 characters.

  1. Email is not a valid email address

Description: This error occurs when the email address provided is not in a valid format.

  1. Last name is too long (maximum is 100 characters)

Description: This error occurs when the last name exceeds the maximum allowed length of 100 characters.

  1. First name is too long (maximum is 100 characters)

Description: This error occurs when the first name exceeds the maximum allowed length of 100 characters.

  1. Email is too long (maximum is 100 characters)

Description: This error occurs when the email exceeds the maximum allowed length of 100 characters.

  1. Invalid Manager Details

Description: This error occurs when the manager's details are incomplete. The required details include the manager's first name, last name, and email. If any of these fields are missing, the error will indicate which specific details are missing.

Example: Invalid manager details ["first name", "last name"] - This example indicates that both the first name and last name are provided, but the email is missing.

  1. Member email and manager email are same

Description: This error occurs when the email address assigned to a member is the same as the email address assigned to a manager. Each email address must be unique to avoid conflicts.

  1. One or more of your date answers is invalid

Description: This error occurs when one or more of the provided dates, especially for a profile answer where date is expected as answers are invalid. Ensure that all dates are in the correct format and are valid calendar dates.

  1. One or more of your experiences is invalid

Description: This error occurs when one or more of the provided date ranges for an experience question are invalid. Ensure that the start date is earlier than the end date and that all dates are in the correct format.

  1. One or more of your educations is invalid

Description: This error occurs when one or more of the provided answers for education records contain invalid or incomplete information.

  1. Cannot Contain Digits

Description: This error occurs when digits are included in responses to profile questions where Don't allow digits to be entered is checked. Ensure that all answers contain only the permitted characters and do not include any digits.

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