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Updating End User Resources
Updating End User Resources
Updated over a week ago


We’re excited to announce that as of 6/20/24 we have several updated resources for your end users. These have been added to your instance at the global level.

Why? So that:

  • Global Admins can review and distribute them to your relevant programs.

  • Program Admins can request only those they need from Global Admins. (If you don't have a Global Admin, please contact your CSM for assistance.)

  • All Admins have the opportunity to add their customizations if desired, before alerting their users of the new resource.

Text Resources:

  • How to Get Matched - Self-Match

  • How to Get Connected - One-time Mentoring

  • How to Use Your Connection Plan

  • Mentor FAQs

  • Get Connected - One-time Mentoring + Ongoing Mentoring

Video Resources:

  • How to Complete Your Profile - Video

  • How to Get Matched - Video

  • How to Update Your Settings and Notifications - Video

  • How to Find and Use Resources - Video

Note: Video resources will be directly replaced within each program.

How to Add Resources to Programs

Global Admins

If you’re a Global Admin, you can review and add these to your relevant programs by accessing Resources at the global level.

1. View Resources

Navigation: Manage > Engagement > Resources

  • Click on Resources to view all resources in your programs.

  • View the list on the right under 'Labels'.

  • Click on a label to view resources that are labeled as Updated.

2. Add Resources to Programs

  • After you've click to open the list of resources by label, click on the 'View Details' button dropdown and select 'Edit resource'.

  • Scroll to the bottom of the resource to the section titled, 'Select Programs to publish'. Here you can:

    • Select the programs & roles to add the resource to, as well as the role (e.g., mentee, mentor) that the resource should be assigned to.

      OR -

    • Select the programs but not the roles: The resource will be viewable and editable by Program Admins but not their users until they're ready to assign a role.

Program Admins

If you’re a Program Admin and don’t have access to global level resources, you’ll need to ask your Global Admin to add these to your program for you. Review the list here:

You can request that your Global Admin:

  • Select your program & role (e.g., mentee, mentor) that the resource should be assigned to.

    OR -

  • Select the program but not the role: The resource will be viewable and editable only by Program Admins but not your users until you're ready to assign a role.

To send a message to your Global Admin directly from the platform:

  • Type their name into the search bar on your Home page header, and hit return.

  • Click the 'Actions' button dropdown to 'Send Message'.

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