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Guide to Assessing, Recruiting and Preparing Mentors for Your Program
Guide to Assessing, Recruiting and Preparing Mentors for Your Program
Updated over 10 months ago


During recruitment, mentors are typically assessed several ways depending on the objectives of the program. For example, if a program is offering specific business hard skill development, then assessing mentors will look different than a program offering soft leadership skills, or a program offering networking and collaboration across locations and departments. Following are approaches for assessing mentors and considering criteria that aligns to your program objectives. This guide covers the following:

  • Mentor Self-Selection

  • Mentor Self-Selection with Management Endorsement

  • Mentor Nomination

  • Mentor Training Considerations

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Mentor Self-Selection

Mentors self-select the ‘Areas of Expertise’ on their profile that they value most. These are competencies they have a desire to assist with and feel they have a level of proficiency to provide a solid sounding board for a mentee.

Program Admins may apply other matching criteria to further ensure a good match, and ones that meet their particular program's objectives. Along with competency selection, top-level criteria might be:

  • Position level or experience level of mentor vs. mentee, e.g., connecting directors with managers, or experienced field sales trainers with new field sales trainers.

  • Cross-divisional, location or department exposure, e.g., connecting field personnel with home office personnel for knowledge transfer beneficial to both, connecting participants in similar roles cross-divisionally for a broader exposure to the business, to share best practices/processes/tools, and for possible collaboration.

  • Personal characteristics expressed as valuable to the mentee, e.g., parental status, gender, ethnicity, personality profile (MBTI, StrengthsFinder, DiSC, etc.)

Mentor Self-Selection with Management Endorsement

In this approach, mentors are directed to confer with their direct supervisor on the program competencies for which they would like to offer mentoring. Their selections on the platform will drive the matching algorithm which will suggest partnerships with mentees who have selected those competencies for development. Mentors can be required to indicate within the platform that the discussion with their supervisor has occurred, and that their competency selections have been vetted. Additional custom criteria such as those bulleted in the first approach, may also be applied on a per program basis.

Mentor Self-Evaluation Questions:

Some mentors, especially those new to mentoring, may be reassured about what they can offer by reflecting on the following questions. Provide these to mentors as a guide prior to competency selection on the platform if deemed helpful. Self-identification generally includes a "yes" to at least 3 of the items below; however, each program may establish its own evaluation criteria:

  • Do you have a high level of interest and highly value this competency in the workplace ?

  • In your opinion, do you have experience successfully navigating situations where you applied this competency on a regular basis or when needed?

  • Have you received feedback from peers and/or management on your success applying this competency?

  • Have you coached others in the past on this competency?

  • Do you feel you bring a unique perspective or story on your own key learnings for this competency?

  • Have you been sought out by peers or subordinates on this competency?

Mentor Nomination

In this approach, mentors are nominated/selected by their supervisors based on their level of proficiency for the competencies offered for mentee development in the program. Other criteria can be communicated to the supervisors to aid in the selection process. At the very least, criteria might include:

  • Mentor experience level in a particular area (division, department, position level, position skillset, career path, etc.)

  • Desired individual characteristics of a mentor such as:

    • Has both something to contribute to the organization and will benefit from the mentoring process

    • Inclusive and not exclusive, open to individuals with different backgrounds and experiences

    • Good role model

    • Aware of the organization’s norms and culture

    • Develops others through feedback and guidance

    • Demonstrates good communication skills both by listening and sending clear messages

    • Acts as a catalyst for change by initiating new ideas and leading others

    • Demonstrates emotional intelligence; is self-aware and empathetic to others

    • Builds and maintains professional networks and relationships, internally and externally

    • Has proficiency in several program-related development areas/competencies

Mentor Training Considerations

Chronus provides a couple of options to support mentor training:

1) Program orientation and training deck for your use:

Conducting a kick-off session or virtual webinar is always a best practice that provides focused time for participants to build a strong foundation of understanding and confidence, leading to a quicker and more effective start to the mentoring relationship.

Our downloadable program orientation and training template emphasizes the effective behaviors, responsibilities and best practices for both mentees and mentors. These are relational attributes to set the foundation for a strong mentoring relationship:

Emphasis for mentors:

Skills such as active listening, building trust, asking open-ended questions; generally being a strong sounding board for the mentee to make their own discoveries, create their own solutions, and learn how to build their network and competencies with input from their mentor. Guidance to mentors such as sharing their own experiences, both successes and failures (a-ha! moments), and what success looks like.

Emphasis for mentees:

Self-directed learning and preparation provided on the platform, e.g., accessing resources and connection plan tasks to identify challenges, set goals, and uncover questions regarding their selected competencies in order to maximize their discussions with their mentor.

2) Chronus Courses available for licensing:

  • Mentoring Training

1 Hour | Independent Study | Shareable Certificate

Trained mentors are better mentors. Prepare and support your participants with training as a prerequisite to mentorship. Mentor and mentees will focus on six key competencies that will prepare them for their mentoring relationship, set expectations and supply them with resources to help them succeed.

  • Inclusive Mentoring Course

6 Sections (30 min each) | Study + Mentorship| Shareable Certificate

Mentoring with an open and inclusive mindsets creates a richer, more meaningful mentoring experience. To be an effective mentor or mentee when working with a partner who is very different in small or possibly drastic ways, it's important to ground the mentoring practice with an inclusive mindset. Inclusive Mentoring will give participants the tools to use as they engage with mentoring partners from a variety of backgrounds.

  • Leadership Course

10 Sections (30 min each) | Study + Mentorship | Shareable Certificate

To be a good mentor, you must be a good leader. Understanding the ins and outs of leadership is essential to become an impactful mentor. Our leadership course provides critical insights on what it takes to guide your connections in the right direction.

For more information on Chronus Courses, please see the link below:

Additional information can be provided by your Customer Success Manager, Account Manager or Implementation Manager.

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